Study Aids & Course Related
QuickStudy Guides and Flash Cards, Safety eyewear, Pottery kits, Math tools and more
Study Aids & Course Related
6 page laminated guide includes:
6 page laminated guide includes:
Topics covered includes:
Essential tool for physics laws, concepts, variables and equations, including sample problems, common pitfalls and helpful hints
This 6-page laminated guide covers the following topics:
Mathematical Concepts
Physics & Measurement
Wave Motion
Electricity & Magnetism
Behavior of Light
6 page laminated guide includes:
Boost grades and the understanding of early algebra concepts that can make or break the long-term study of algebra through middle and high school and on to college. Textbooks and classes cover so much over months at a time that the details at different stages of learning are passed up with expectations of students remembering all the details of every stage of learning. This 6 page laminated reference guide is expertly authored and designed to offer a quick detailed overview of all stages of early algebra learning. So all concepts can be seen at a glance before reading texts or listening to instructors, during study and homework, or further into the class for refreshing before quizzes and exams. It can help the math-rusty parent homework coach as well to get the algebra gears turning again so you can be the homework hero.
Topics covered include:
Suggested uses:
o Quick Reference - instead of digging into the textbook to find a core answer you need while studying, use the guide to reinforce quickly and repeatedly
o Memory - refreshing your memory repeatedly is a foundation of studying, have the core answers handy so you can focus on understanding the concepts
o Test Prep - no student should be cramming, but if you are, there is no better tool for that final review
6 page laminated guide includes: